YOU can Stop Alien & Military Abduction!

These prayers contain a complete description of the procedure that God gave Michael Relfe to  stop the enemy’s abduction process. The initial understanding of these prayers came as a result of his praying for guidance on how to defeat the periodic abductions he was being exposed to (See Some of these prayers may be relevant for you and your situation and some may not. As I learn of more I will post them.

If you are not covered by the power of the blood of Jesus that will put these prayers in action to protect you, then click here salvation prayer  Without Salvation these prayers will not work because you will not have the protection and victory only Jesus can provide.

· Although most abductions usually involve U.S. military personnel, a non-human being (Grey Alien and/or Reptilian) might be briefly observed working with them. On several occasions only Grey Aliens or only Reptilians will perform the abduction.

· If you are located near a base or installation, they may attempt to acquire you by visiting your home/apartment/hotel and taking you in person. This can be defeated by using a portable door lock (the kind used by travellers in hotels) on EVERY door in their home. For those who are taken in your sleep, these prayers will help close that access down as well.

These agencies have tools to defeat every type of commercially available lock as well as the various chains and swing latches that allow the door to be "cracked" open. Only the portable door locks are secure.

· The enemy has at their disposal multiple technologies that will allow them to abduct an individual from their bedroom, examine/operate/indoctrinate them and return them to their bedroom without being detected. They can "keep" an individual for weeks and return them to a time a few minutes after they were taken. The names of those technologies that I am aware of are :

Jumpgate Technology
Fractal Jumpgate Technology
Transporter Technology
Fractal Transporter Technology
Time Travel Technology
Fractal Time Travel Technology
Dimensional Travel Technology
Fractal Dimensional Travel Technology
Wormhole Travel Technology
Fractal Wormhole Travel Technology

Other technologies will be developed. They must be added to the list. God will help you to "know" what they are while praying. Change your attack strategy accordingly.

· God will answer your prayers to prevent the above listed technologies from functioning in your home, apartment or hotel.

· When you begin to engage in spiritual warfare against the enemy, they will pull out all the stops in attacking you. They may use witchcraft, black magic, different types of psychic and remote viewing attack and radionics, psychotronics and psionics attacks against you. Sometimes you won’t even know the name of what they are doing.

· Spiritual warfare is the act of engaging in battle against the enemy: breaking curses, spells and psychic prayers, binding the demons and entities that are attacking, loosing the angels of God into battle, praying for angelic protection, among others. Deliverance is the casting out of demons from a person or object. ALL of these ways of warfare require power and authority from God Himself.

· The ONLY known way to obtain the required power and authority to defeat the enemy and to stop the abductions of you and your family is to accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. When you take that first step of faith, you immediately leave the jurisdiction of "Satan, the god of this world" and enter into the kingdom of God Almighty. You are drafted into the army of God and are given power and authority over the enemy. From that moment forward you are expected to fight the enemy and to fulfil God’s plan in your life while on earth. You are assured of eternal life when your days are done.

· You absolutely will not defeat this enemy by using your own metaphysical abilities, prayer to anything outside of God Almighty and His son Jesus Christ, machines or devices you make or by any help from any ET, "Spacebrother", Alien, Witch, Psychic, Occultist or anyone or anything else. I know from personal experience. I was not abducted into their "service". I volunteered. I was a highly efficient killing machine for these beings. I have a high "horsepower" rating as well as several rare skill sets. My mission profiles were extensive and successful and beyond anything described by the so called remote viewers on the best seller list. And while reading The Mars Records you will see how easily these beings controlled me. They turned me on and off as easily as you would a toaster. I had absolutely ZERO chance of escape. ONLY by the grace of God Himself and the power of The Lord Jesus Christ did I escape to the degree I presently have.


· YOU can do the exact same things as I have if you have a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ and if you have faith and follow the warfare prayers in this document. Prayer does NOT rely on metaphysical abilities or training. I myself do NOTHING. God performs the miracles.

· The following warfare prayers work. Regardless of what your church corporation or untrained pastor may think, spiritual warfare works, is infinitely powerful and the only thing known that will defeat the enemy. While pastors argue over whether a Christian can have a demon or whether or not to lay hands on a member while they are dying, the military alien complex continues to abduct, operate on and indoctrinate many thousands of people worldwide, while the churches stay silent.

· Spiritual Warfare is a daily endeavour. God will show you what to pray for during prayer, while reading what has happened to others or while being told things about other people’s experiences. If you pray against something that is not there or that doesn’t apply to you, nothing happens. It is better to pray than not to pray.

· If you are serious about spiritual warfare and fighting the enemy and are willing to put yourself on the line for others, I would suggest you contact Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, IN ( for their book and tape catalog. The book series "Battling The Host Of Hell" is an 8 volume set of intensive training in spiritual warfare. In addition you will require many of the taped sermons by Win Worley. The first tape should be "Group Deliverance". Other valuable subjects are Soul Fragmentation, Breaking Curses, Binding and Loosing, Soul Ties, among others. The videos will convince even the most unbelieving person concerning the reality of the demonic world. Hegewisch Baptist Church is a small, independent church not affiliated with any organization of any kind. You can visit Hegewisch for to receive help at any time.


Warfare Prayers

Protect yourself

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus’ name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to surround me and encamp around me and setup angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to protect me against every attack of the enemy, in Jesus name I pray, amen. Please put upon me the full armour of God. Please put upon me spiritual camouflage to make me invisible to the enemy. Please put upon me the armour light, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Protect your spouse - Repeat above for your spouse.
Protect your children -
Repeat above for each of your children

Break curses on yourself

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash,  dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, reptilian, draconian, grey, insect or any other entity, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

(do this 3 or more times)

Break curses on your spouse.
Repeat above for your spouse.
Break curses on your children.
Repeat above for each of your children


Break energy drains on yourself

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve, destroy and smash every energy drain attached to me by any source, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from the energy drain to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break and destroy every soul tie, hook, link, connection and attachment between myself and whatever or whoever put the energy drain into me, in both directions. In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from those soul ties, hooks, links, connections and attachments to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Thank You Lord for setting me free.

Break energy drains on your spouse.
Repeat above for your spouse
Break energy drains on your children.
Repeat above for each of your children

Break attacks on yourself

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve and destroy every satanic attack, druid witch attack, wicca witch attack, kabalah witch attack, wizard attack, shaman attack, witchdoctor attack, witchcraft attack, vampire attack, werewolf attack, santaria attack, voodoo attack, magical attack, sorcery attack, luciferian attack, demonic attack, satanic attack, psychic attack, telepathic attack, mental attack, remote viewing attack, mind control attack, radionics attack, psychotronic attack, psionic attack, death signal attack, disease signal attack, scalar wave attack, tesla wave attack, laser wave attack, ELF attack, RF attack, microwave attack, magnetic attack, acoustic attack, infrared attack and every kind of attack that I don’t know the name of from :

Every person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, satanist, druid witch, wicca witch, kabalah witch, wizard, shaman, witchdoctor, vampire, werewolf, santaria practitioner, voodoo practitioner, remote viewing operator, radionics operator, psychotronics operator, psionic operator, pine gap group, MIB group, government group, witches, satanist or masonic group, new world order group, shadow government group, illuminati group, MJ12 group, faction 1 group, faction 2 group, faction 3 group, faction 4 group, NSA group, NRO group, CIA group, FBI group, NIMA Group, DOJ Group, DON group, ACIO group, ASIO group, PSICORPS Group, MJTF Group, military group, intelligence group, Army group, Navy group, Air Force group, Marine Corps group, NIS group, DIA group, OSI group, ONI group, OSS Group, UFOS group, MI5 group, MI6 group, Mars Defence Force group, Mars Intelligence Force group, Mars Project group, reptilian group, draconian group, grey group, insect group and every group I don’t know the name of, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind everything that came into me from those attacks. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was opened to you, I take away every legal hold and legal ground that you have on me and I cut you loose from all your assignments, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from those attacks to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send these things back to whoever sent them to me, to bring them to repentance. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break attacks on your spouse. Repeat above for your spouse

Break attacks on your children. Repeat above for each of your children

Thank the LORD for miracles and what HE is doing

Father, In Jesus’ name I praise you and Thank You for these blessings and for setting me free from these attacks, In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Changing The Quantum Matrix

Pray for angelic shields around your house or apartment.

Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and to set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels and to seal off this house from the world, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Remove any trapped demons

Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to please send angels to bind up and remove all demons that were trapped when the shield was closed, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break any remaining hooks into you

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, dissolve, smash and destroy every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, surveillance and command & control attached to me in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind everything that came into me with these lines and Father, I ask you to send all these things back to whoever send them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Remove all interference.

Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to please remove every thing inside me that would hinder, jam, interfere or prevent me from praying and changing the quantum matrix, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Note: If you start doing this on a regular basis, the enemy will pour a lot of interference in your direction, trying to discourage you. God will sometimes allow this to make you a better soldier. The following are some of the things that have been sent to interfere with me. This list is not complete.

Shadows Dampening Field

Spiders Force Field

Worm Holes Blackness

Black Holes Darkness

Alien Circuitry Blocks

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break the power of the Shadows over me. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Shadows and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strongman inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’  name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strongman over the Shadows. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strongman over the Shadows to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all other spirits and entities under the command of the strongman over the Shadows. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strongman over the Shadows or the Shadows themselves. I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. (Do this for each thing interfering)

Change The Quantum Matrix in your home

Father in heaven, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to change the quantum matrix in this sealed off house, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all time lines and all frequency domains in this universe, across all bubbles in the omniverse and across all planes of  existence so that:

The enemy’s jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s fractal jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s fractal transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s fractal time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s dimensional travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s fractal dimensional travel technology will not function in this sealed off


The enemy’s wormhole travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s fractal wormhole travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s implant technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s walk-thru-walls technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s sleep ray technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s remote viewing capability will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s radionics technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s psychotronics technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s psionic technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s death signal technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s disease signal technology will not function in this sealed off house.

Important note: When praying to change the quantum matrix, all members of a family should be holding hands or be in physical contact with one another. The head of the household prays and the other members should pray in agreement.

Change The Quantum Matrix inside yourself

Father in heaven, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to change the quantum matrix inside me, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all time lines and all frequency domains in this universe, across all bubbles in the omniverse and across all planes of existence so that:

The enemy’s jump gate technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s fractal jump gate technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s transporter technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s fractal transporter technology will not function on me

The enemy’s time travel technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s fractal time travel technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s dimensional travel technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s fractal dimensional travel technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s wormhole travel technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s fractal wormhole travel technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s implant technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s walk-thru-walls technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s sleep ray technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s remote viewing capability will not function on me.

The enemy’s radionics technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s psychotronics technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s psionic technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s death signal technology will not function on me.

The enemy’s disease signal technology will not function on me.

Ask God for an energy shield against the enemy.

Father in heaven, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to put around me an impenetrable, impregnable multi-layer, multi-phase, multispectral, multi-frequency domain, multi-dimensional, multi-continuum, multi-timeline shield around my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my other energy bodies and all components that I consist of, across all space time continuums, time lines and dimensions in this universe, across all "bubbles" in the omniverse and across all planes of existence, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Note: The following refers to the body’s energy centers known as chakras. It doesn’t matter if you believe they exist or not. God created them just like he created your arm or leg. The enemy attacks them and since most don’t believe they exist, the attack goes unchallenged and the damage will accumulate. Always divide the technology from the superstition. And never go looking for things or exploring outside of God’s protection. Just understand they exist and protect them from the enemy. And learn the difference between physical, metaphysical and spiritual.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my BASE chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my SEX chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my SPLEEN chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my HEART chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my THROAT chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my THIRD EYE chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my CROWN chakra in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my BASE chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my SEX chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my SPLEEN chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now,

in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my HEART chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my THROAT chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my THIRD EYE chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks.

In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my CROWN chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Cancel Satan’s plan in your life

Satan has a plan for everyone’s life, just as GOD has a plan for everyone’s life. That plan has someone in charge of it and a lot of subordinate spirits directing it. It is a very good idea to get rid of Satan’s plan and substitute GOD’s plan.

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life and I toss him off his throne in Jesus name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strongman inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus name. In Jesus name I bind all demons subordinate to the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life. In Jesus name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus name. I command all demons subordinate to the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life to leave now, in Jesus name. In Jesus name I bind all other spirits and entities under the command of the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life. In Jesus name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus name. In Jesus name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life or any of his subordinates. I command all demons to go where Jesus wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Akashic Records

While praying one night I was led to believe that the forces of darkness use the Akashic records 13 database against people and that it would in fact be a good idea to remove oneself from it. It is quite possible that Lucifer himself is the owner of such a database. I believe the following prayer accomplished that objective.

Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, destroy and sever every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment and device from myself to the Akashic records and from the Akashic records back to myself, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to remove, delete, purge and destroy all my records, images, thoughts, words and actions stored in this system as well as all duplicate copies, backup copies, emergency copies and extra copies stored anywhere in creation, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to totally remove me from every system, database, storage device, archive and library owned or operated by the forces of darkness and to prevent my information from being put back into those systems, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

13 Akashic Records: A theosophical term referring to an universal filing system which records every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Soniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being. Some indicate the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible. From an metaphysical database website


Defeating Electronic Witchcraft

 Ask God to have the angels destroy the hardware, software, systems, networks and

energy supplies of the attacking installation. Spells can be and are transmitted by radionics. 

Ask for help

Heavenly Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I come to you and I praise you and Thank You for the blessings you have given to Stephanie and I. Thank You for keeping us safe and sound against the attacks of the enemy. In Jesus’ name I ask you to please free Stephanie from these attacks and keep her safe from the enemy. In Jesus’ name, please remove all these things attacking Stephanie and send them back to whoever sent them, in Jesus’ name I Pray, Amen.

Ask for tactical information

Father, In The name Of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to please give me discernment to discover where these attacks are coming from and to give me wisdom, knowledge, understanding and determination to defeat the enemy making these attacks, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Break curses

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break every curse, every spell, every psychic prayer and attack put upon Stephanie by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, Reptilian, Draconian, Grey, Insect or any other entity, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into Stephanie from those curses, spells, psychic prayers and attacks. In Jesus’ name I cut you spirits loose from all your assignments, I take away every legal ground and legal hold you have on Stephanie and I close every door that was opened to you, in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus’ name, I order every thing that came into Stephanie to leave her now. Father, please send these things back to who or whatever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Change your frequencies

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Father I ask you to change all of Stephanie’s frequencies so that the radionics machines won’t be able to lock on to her and so that the enemy won’t be able to find her, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Remove energy drains

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break every energy drain put upon Stephanie and I command everything that came into Stephanie from that energy drain to leave her now, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Deactivate the radionics machine

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman over the radionics machine attacking Stephanie and I throw him off his throne, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strongman over the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I ask you to bind him inside of boxes, inside of boxes, 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all subordinate demons that are directing and controlling the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I cut you loose from all you assignments, I remove every legal hold and legal ground you have on Stephanie and I close every door that was opened to you, in Jesus’ name. I command you to leave the machine now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I command the radionics machine to be dead, deactivated and destroyed permanently, in Jesus’ name.

Deactivate the spell

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman over the spell put upon the object inside the witness well of the radionics machine attacking Stephanie and I throw him off his throne, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strongman over the spell put upon the object inside the witness well of the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I ask you to bind him inside of boxes, inside of boxes, 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all subordinate demons that are directing and controlling the spell put upon the object inside the witness well of the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I cut you loose from all you assignments, I remove every legal hold and legal ground you have on Stephanie and I close every door that was opened to you, in Jesus’ name. I command you to leave the object now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I command the witness well object to be dead, deactivated and destroyed permanently, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Sever all soul ties

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, cut, sever, dissolve and destroy every soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to Stephanie from any external source, in Jesus’ name. I command everything that came into Stephanie from those soul ties, hooks, links and connections to leave her NOW in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send all these things back to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance. in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Praise God for His help

Heavenly Father, In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ I come to you and I praise you and Thank You for the blessings you have given to me. Thank You for keeping me safe and sound against the attacks of the enemy. In Jesus’ name I ask you to please free me from these attacks and keep me safe from the enemy. In Jesus’ name, please remove all these things attacking me and send them back to whoever sent them, In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

Ask God for tactical information

Father, In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to please give me discernment to discover where these attacks are coming from and to give me wisdom, knowledge, understanding and determination to defeat the enemy making these attacks, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break general or ordinary attacks on your self (do this a few times)

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break every curse, every spell, every psychic prayer and attack put upon me by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, Reptilian, Draconian, Grey, Insect or any other entity, In Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those curses, spells, psychic prayers and attacks. In Jesus name I cut all such spirits loose from all your assignments, I take away every legal ground and legal hold you have on me and I close every door that was opened to you, In Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I order every thing that came into me to leave me now. Father, please send these things back to who or whatever sent them, to bring them to repentance, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Remove any extra soul ties or enemy surprises

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, cut, sever, dissolve and destroy every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment and device of an ungodly type attached to me from any external source, in Jesus’ name. I command everything that came into me from those soul ties, hooks, links, connections, attachments and devices to leave me NOW in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send all these things back to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Break and remove the energy drain

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve, sever, smash and destroy every energy drain of every type put upon me and I command everything that came into me from those energy drains to leave me now, in Jesus’ name.

Remove all attachments to the energy drain

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve, sever, smash and destroy every soul tie, hook, link, connection and attachment between myself and whoever or whatever put the energy drain in me and I command everything that came into me from those soul ties, hooks, links, connections or attachments to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

Repair the damage

Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to repair all the damage done to me by this attack. I ask you to reverse all the injury done to my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Remove all relationships to photographs (*** VERY IMPORTANT ***)

Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you break every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment and relationship between myself and every photograph or image that has ever been created of me, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Change your bio frequencies

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Father I ask you to change all of my frequencies so that the metaphysical science technology won’t be able to lock on to me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Attack and destroy the source of the problem

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Father I ask you to send millions and millions of legions of angels to directly attack the place from which this attack originated. Father, please direct the angels to destroy the hardware, software, systems, files, backup files, networks, routers and energy supplies of the attacking installation, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Destroying a Coven

Disclaimer: The following information is made available to assist believers to resist the attacks of those individuals that have chosen the "left hand" path of the occult (black magic). You know who you are. This article is not an attack upon any group or individual that does not harm others. The response to this article by those that serve the dark side is predictable. I am not responsible for any consequences to anyone as the result of any attack directed against my family or myself. (The real book of shadows declares that you shall not cast upon a child of the living God. You should obey your own religion)

The following procedure has proven useful when being attacked by witchcraft from multiple targets (a coven, triad or other group). When dealing with occultists I have found two main ways to counter their attacks.

· Hard way: Whatever was sent to me would be returned to them

multiplied by a factor of 1000, 100,000 or a million. After much

experience I would now only do this in an emergency if the attacks

were very damaging. The problem with this type of countermeasure is

that the resources of the enemy are large and that they can attack you

in a "swarm" and escalate the battle beyond what you may be able to

take. Another problem is that the enemy still exists and the attacks just

get bigger. It would be better if the enemy was eliminated and so the

source of the attack would vanish.

· Soft Way: I believe that this is the more effective type of

countermeasure. In this procedure we use spiritual warfare techniques

to "disassemble" the attacking group and eliminate each component

individually. This takes more prayer, discernment and time, however

the end result is more effective and longer lasting. There are five main

targets in this counter attack:

1. The strongman over the attack

2. Whoever ordered the attack

3. Whoever executed the attack

4. Any machines or devices involved in the attack

5. The curse, spell or psychic attack itself

When you are being attacked by those trapped in the occult, remember that they are not your enemy. These are human beings, with families, that  also have wants and needs and that love, just like you do. They are trapped and ensnared in things that they never knew existed and by the time they learned, it was too late. Many of these people were born into families where they have been abused and/or subjected to mind control since early childhood. All practitioners of the occult suffer from soul fragmentation. After participation in their first initiation, their soul is fragmented and they aren’t quite the same person as they were before that procedure. After each ritual less and less of the original soul remains and more and more of the enemy takes hold upon them.

God wants these people to be freed, just like He is freeing you. Your enemies are the entities that influence and control these occultists, whether grey alien, reptilian, draconian, demon, power, principality, world ruler or any other demon or life form. Occultists are a dime a dozen. Satanist, Wicca witch, Druid witch, Freemason or any member of any secret society or secret church, it doesn’t matter. The demonic hierarchy is constantly recruiting new members and burning out and sacrificing old ones. Do not worry about their numbers. Just pray for whomever God puts in your path.

Occultists never win You should be encouraged to remember that those who practice the occult arts to kill, hurt, influence or control others can never be victorious. Occult power comes from the demonic world and is limited in strength. An individual practitioner derives power and influence from the number and rank of demonic spirits that have come into them by way of casting spells, performing rituals and direct conjuring of demons. During this learning period soul fragmentation gets worse and as time goes on very little of the original human being remains. This is true whether a person is born into an occult surrounding or whether they are trained by occult books and the demons contained within them.

An individual human body can only be subject to a certain amount of this abuse before it begins to break down and various diseases appear. By the time the practitioner realizes what is happening, it is too late. As time goes on they require more and more life force energy to keep the demons at bay. They are forced to steal this energy from other beings (animal and human) by the use of ritual and sacrifice. High-level initiates frequently utilize the techniques related to tantra yoga to steal energy from children during ritual. Eventually the practitioner is unable to obtain enough energy and they are taken over completely or destroyed.

The occultist has only two choices. They can attack you and they will be defeated and probably damaged in the fight. Or they can ignore you and search for easier prey. Also remember that you are soldier and it is your job to do whatever God tells you, nothing else. It is not your job to save the world by yourself or to compare yourself with any other person. Learn and study and God will put you to work.  In contrast to this, the life of the believer in The Lord Jesus Christ has no such limitations or problems. Because of the shed blood of Jesus, the believer is spiritually at the same level as the creator of the universe Himself! No enemy of any kind can ever defeat the believer. Every enemy of Jesus Christ was defeated when Jesus was resurrected over 2000 years ago. These enemies of Jesus Christ are just living on borrowed time.

It is clear to me that God gives his children complete victory over the enemy’s attacks even so far as changing the very structure of space-time itself so that the enemy’s devices will be brought to nothing. All we have to do is put the world behind us, stand forward, have faith in our Lord and determination in ourselves. Always remember that by praying for the enemy and helping turn them away from the dark side, you do massive damage to the kingdom of Satan. The results echo throughout the kingdom of darkness and do much to undermine Satan’s authority and power.

Soft Way

Eliminate the strong man over the attack

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break the power of this attack over me. In Jesus’ name I bind the strong man over this attack and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strong man inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate subordinates of the strong man over the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strong man over this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strong man over this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

**The "strong man" is a demon that has delegated authority over a certain thing.

No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. Mark 3:27 KJV

Eliminate slaves of the strong man over the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind all other spirits and entities under the command of the strong man over this attack upon me and in Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal bond that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strongman over this attack upon me or the subordinates of the strong man and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate demonic infrastructure of the strong man over the attack

In Jesus’ name I break, crush, sever, dissolve, smash and destroy all the demonic infrastructure of this strong man. Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy this strong man’s computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of his infrastructure that I do not know about, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break ties with originator of the attack

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link, attachment and connection between myself and the originator of this attack and between the originator of this attack and myself in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate the strong man over the originator of the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind the strong man over the originator of this attack and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strong man inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate subordinates of the strong man over the originator of the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate slaves of the strong man over the originator of the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind all spirits, entities, slaves and prisoners under the command of the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me and in Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me or the subordinates of the strong man and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate demonic infrastructure of the strong man over the originator of the attack

In Jesus’ name I break, crush, sever, dissolve, smash and destroy all the demonic infrastructure of this strong man. Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy this strong man’s computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of his infrastructure that I do not know about, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate originator of the attack

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by the originator of this attack in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In Jesus’ name I break every soul tie, hook, link, attachment, connection and device between myself and the originator of this attack and between the originator of this attack and myself, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind everything that came into me from these soul ties, hooks, links and connections and I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close all doors open to you and I take away every legal hold and legal ground you have to attack me, in Jesus’ name. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break every curse, spell and psychic prayer that made the originator of this attack the way they are. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send as many legions of angels as necessary to bind all demons in the originator of this attack, that give them their power, rank, prestige, wealth, metaphysical abilities and position and I ask you to remove those demons and send them far away, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion this entity is under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements this entity is under, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of originator of this attack and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate subordinates of the originator of the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind all demons and entities subordinate to the originator of this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all subordinates to the originator of this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion these subordinates are under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements that control them, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of these subordinates and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate slaves of the originator of the attack

In Jesus’ name I bind all slaves, prisoners and remaining entities of the originator of this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all slaves and prisoners of the originator of this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion these slaves and prisoners are under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements that control them, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of these slaves and prisoners and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Eliminate infrastructure of the originator of the attack

Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy the computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of the infrastructure of the originator of this attack, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Eliminate the strong man over the attacker(s)

In Jesus’ name I bind the strong man over the attacker executing this attack and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strongman inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate subordinates of the strong man over the attacker(s)

In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strong man over the attacker executing this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strong man over the attacker to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strong man over the attacker and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate slaves of the strong man over the attacker(s)

In Jesus’ name I bind all other spirits, entities, slaves and prisoners under the command of the strong man over the attacker executing this attack upon me and in Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strong man over the attacker executing this attack upon me or the subordinates of the strong man and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate demonic infrastructure of the strong man over the attacker(s)

In Jesus’ name I break, crush, sever, dissolve, smash and destroy all the demonic infrastructure of this strong man. Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy this strongman’s computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of his infrastructure that I do not know about, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.  

Eliminate the attacker (each member of the attacking group)

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by these attacking forces in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In Jesus’ name I break every soul tie, hook, link, attachment, connection and device between myself and the attacker and between the attacker and myself, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind everything that came into me from these soul ties, hooks, links and connections and I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close all doors open to you and I take away every legal hold and legal ground you have to attack me, in Jesus’ name. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break every curse, spell and psychic prayer that made the attacker the way they are. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send as many legions of angels as necessary to bind all demons in the this attacker, that give them their power, rank, prestige, wealth, metaphysical abilities and position and I ask you to remove those demons and send them far away, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion this entity is under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements this entity is under, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of this attacker and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate subordinates of the attacker(s)

In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the attacker executing this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments,  I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to this attacker to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate slaves of the attacker(s)

In Jesus’ name I bind all slaves, prisoners and remaining entities of the attacker executing this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all slaves and prisoners of the attacker executing this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion these slaves and prisoners are under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements that control them, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of these slaves and prisoners and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Eliminate infrastructure of the attacker(s)

Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy the computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of the infrastructure of the attackers executing this attack upon me, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate the curse, spell or psychic attack itself

Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, reptilian, draconian, grey, insect or any other entity, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every satanic attack, druid witch attack, wicca witch attack, kabalah witch attack, wizard attack, shaman attack, witchdoctor attack, witchcraft attack, vampire attack, werewolf attack, santaria attack, voodoo attack, magical attack, sorcery attack, luciferian attack, demonic attack, satanic attack, psychic attack, telepathic attack, mental attack, remote viewing attack, mind control attack, radionics attack, psychotronic attack, psionic attack, death signal attack, disease signal attack, scalar wave attack, tesla wave attack, laser wave attack, ELF attack, RF attack, microwave attack, magnetic attack, acoustic attack, infrared attack and every kind of attack that I don’t know the name of from :

Every person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, satanist, druid witch, wicca witch, kabalah witch, wizard, shaman, witchdoctor, vampire, werewolf, santaria practitioner, voodoo practitioner, remote viewing operator, radionics operator, psychotronics operator, psionic operator, pine gap group, MIB group, government group, witches, satanist or masonic group, new world order group, shadow government group, illuminati group, MJ12 group, faction 1 group, faction 2 group, faction 3 group, faction 4 group, NSA group, NRO group, CIA group, FBI group, NIMA Group, DOJ Group, DON group, ACIO group, ASIO group, PSICORPS Group, MJTF Group, military group, intelligence group, Army group, Navy group, Air Force group, Marine Corps group, NIS group, DIA group, OSI group, ONI group, OSS Group, UFOS group, MI5 group, MI6 group, Mars Defence Force group, Mars Intelligence Force group, Mars Project group, reptilian group, draconian group, grey group, insect group and every group I don’t know the name of, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind everything that came into me from those attacks. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was opened to you, I take away every legal hold and legal ground that you have on me and I cut you loose from all your assignments, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from those attacks to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send these things back to whoever sent them to me, to bring them to repentance. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


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