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Learn How to Make Orgone Water and Blast and Destroy the coming Giants and Aliens

We're finding that orgone blasters compared to the more pricey chemtrail busters, are knocking the chemtrails completely out of areas on their own. They also repel evil and keep the demonic out of your home and yard.

Make Your Own

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De-activate Chip Implants - Neodyme magnets, just tape them on suspected implanted area.



 Sherry Shriner at

Tearing Down the NWO Strongholds

by Sherry Shriner

We Can Defeat Them With Ether Energy Orgone Blasters!!

 (Orgone Blasters is a Copyrighted name)



The White House Is Going to Ban My Orgone!!

This is out of Rahm Emmanuel's office in Chicago...I got a heads up from a person out there.

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Beberapa kasino online bahkan menawarkan turnamen agen Slot88 yang memungkinkan pemain bersaing satu sama lain untuk mendapatkan hadiah yang lebih besar, menambah tingkat persaingan dalam permainan.

Meski Link slot adalah permainan yang tampak sederhana, banyak pemain yang belajar menganalisis tren pembayaran dan pola dalam mesin tertentu, dengan harapan dapat memprediksi momen di mana kombinasi simbol yang menguntungkan akan muncul.

Scatter Hitam adalah simbol penting dalam Mahjong Ways yang dapat memicu putaran gratis saat didapatkan dalam jumlah tertentu. Scatter Hitam menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi pemain karena memungkinkan mereka mendapatkan putaran tambahan tanpa harus menambah taruhan, sehingga berpeluang untuk mengumpulkan kemenangan dengan lebih mudah.

The TSA is working with the White House to find a way to make orgone 'destructive' so they can ban it. They are going to close off a portion of Chicago O'Hare Int'l airport so they can test different ways to make bombs and use it as a way for a false blame the orgone!! I've been warning people I see them banning it in the codes...and that's huge confirmation!

Kami merupakan situs toto togel berlisensi resmi dari World Lottery Association (WLA). Sebagai catatan, WLA adalah salah satu otoritas tertinggi dalam industri judi togel di seluruh dunia. Tidak hanya WLA, sertifikasi lainnya juga dimiliki oleh Toto Togel seperti PAGCOR, MGA (Malta Gaming Authority), BMM Testlabs, dan banyak lainnya.

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He said they talk about it at all their global summit to ban it..

Untuk memastikan Anda mengakses Sbobet dengan lancar, gunakan link Sbobet terbaru yang akan membawa Anda ke situs resmi atau aplikasi mobile. Ketika mendaftar di agen Sbobet88, pastikan Anda mengikuti langkah-langkah dengan teliti, seperti memverifikasi data diri dan memilih metode pembayaran yang sesuai. Dengan begitu, Anda bisa mulai menikmati berbagai permainan Judi Bola yang ditawarkan tanpa masalah.

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Data Keluaran Macau lengkap dengan hasil terbaru adalah kunci bagi pemain yang ingin melakukan analisis mendalam terhadap angka-angka yang keluar. Dengan informasi yang lengkap, pemain dapat melihat tren angka dan mempelajari pola keluaran yang bisa digunakan untuk merumuskan prediksi yang lebih akurat. Data lengkap ini memberikan gambaran jelas tentang bagaimana angka keluar dalam periode tertentu dan membantu pemain untuk merancang strategi yang lebih efektif. Menggunakan data keluaran yang lengkap dan terbaru adalah cara yang tepat untuk meningkatkan peluang menang dalam permainan togel Macau.

I knew they did...just more confirmation!
He said the air is totally saturated with it, and it's crashing UFOs..
which, we already knew..but funny anyway
So they're trying to find ways to ban it, and bring in their 'masters'..
cuz the orgone's been a nightmare for their plans with bringing them in as 'angels' or 'gods'

I've seen this in the codes...and it looks like Sept/Oct could be the time they try to ban it, which means anytime then or before they will do some kind of false flag and blame it on orgone...

And probably has something to do with crashing an 'airplane' since they're testing the 'ways' at an airport...

Get it or Make it while you can folks!! There's not much time left!!








The Lord is raising up a group of Warriors to prepare for, and fight against, the arrival of the Antichrist and his forces on earth. Joel 2, Rev, 9 and Rev. 16 mention literal alien and demonic invasions on earth. The orgone will protect the Lord's people and their properties against them. The orgone to aliens is like garlic to vampires. It destroys them. WE CAN DESTROY THEM! By disseminating orgone throughout our towns, cities, states, and country we can make our land, air, and water uninhabitable for them! We can annihilate them by the millions!

     Faction 4 - Orgone Warriors

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing  
because he could only do a little. Edmund Burke




Orgone will not only crash UFOs and destroy aliens but it will stop the high-tech weapons and towers the NWO is using to control and destroy you!

The New World Order Wants to Control and Destroy You!


The New World Order IS an Alien Agenda!


There is Danger in the Cell Phone and other anomalous Towers popping up all over the place and I'm going to tell you how to prevent their effects with Orgone Blasters and how to get rid of chemtrails and keep them away from your yard and/or neighborhood, town, city or state.

Stop the Madness!!

Stop the NWO from trying to Control Your Moods and Thoughts!! Stop ELF Harassment!!

Orgone is the KEY


Orgone Water Blasting! Burn and Destroy Aliens and the coming Giants with Orgone charged water. You won't need a super-sized rifle you can't handle or that will run out of bullets...or that may not even affect them but Orgoned Water will DESTROY them! Be Prepared to Protect Yourself!

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Is Praying Enough?

Letter from a reader:  "This had to be Abba's doing"

The ELF God

International Orgone Network & The Bible Codes

Joint Alien and Human Underground Bases - Let's Tear Down Their Strongholds!!!

Do you have Chip implants? Find and Neutralize Chip Implantations

No You're NOT Crazy, they ARE listening to and recording everything you say, do and think!


Stop the Attacks! End Mind Control and Military or Alien Dreamscape, Astral, and Literal Abductions now through Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Psychotronic Warfare and the Battle for the Mind

Choosing a Victim

Astral Dreamscape Manipulation - wake up more tired than when you went to sleep? Feel like you never went to sleep to begin with?

The Mind as a Weapon

Electronic Mind Control

Global Mind Control Slated By 2004

Mind Control, Slavery, and the New World Order

 **Domestic Surveillance and Remote Neural Monitoring  - ears buzzing? hearing weird noises, sounds? Experiencing telepathic communication?

 Electronic Weapons Assault on Civilians

Mind Control and Hypnosis

They're watching you, they're listening to you, and they're harassing you. Find out how.

 YOU can Stop Alien & Military Abduction!


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My Websites:

Sherry Shriner

Sherry Talk Radio

The Watcher Files

Hidden Codes

Warfare Saint

Just Give Me The Truth

Sherry Shriner Blogger

Omegans Are Liars


Orgone Blasters

The Lies of Islam

Talmud Lies

Back To Yahweh

Crystal City Fraud


Beast Prophets 

Aliens In The News






  Orgone Blasters in Espanol

Cómo Hacer su Propio Orgone Blaster











































































































































They're talking to you..subliminal hypnotic messages..courtesy of these particular they are  Mind conditioning and Mind control towers and they're going up in every neighborhood across the country.

          We've been conditioned to believe we need all these towers for cell phones. These ARE NOT cell phone towers, read about The ELF God.

         The types above are typical for ELF towers that the NWO is using for mind control messaging and dumbing down the population. Sensitive people can pick up messages such as "Accept The New World Order" and others being blasted by these towers.

        If you see white flashes of light emanating from them then, and even if you don't..they are working to condition your mind.

      I kept praying that the Lord would show me how to tear down the strongholds of the New World Order. And He kept leading me to Orgone.

        Sooner or later I realized it had to be the answer since He kept leading me to it and I began to research it. I ran into groups online where it is quite a mixture of believers and non-believers who had already spear headed their own orgonite movements to neutralize these towers. And they were doing it by what they call "tower busters" however I changed the way they were being made and have made them even more powerful. I call them Orgone Blasters!!!

    The average OB (Orgone Blaster)  can neutralize the evil effects of a tower! Not only that, those who are using them are finding that they are neutralizing chemtrails as well!! Not only that, they will repel anything evil and keep it away from your yard, home and family!! Unwanted aliens and demons on your property? No problem bury a few of our OBs at each corner of your property!


 This website and information is not a sales pitch to sell a product. It's to STOP the effects of Towers and Chemtrails and destroy and repel Evil. You can make these yourselves, there's a link to the directions on the bottom of this page.  It's a way to STOP THE MADNESS OF THE NWO!


Yahweh is arming His people in these last days against unprecedented evil and wickedness. It's your job to arm yourselves and use it! Seek Him about it!

       I realized that with the power of a few dollars per tower..we could tear down the hideous agenda of the $Billion dollar empire of the NWO..their ELF and Mind Control Towers.  And OB's are relatively easy to make once you collect all the necessary ingredients, or you can buy them online.

What is Orgone? Read the article from the Idaho Observer at

Read About The Purpose Behind The
Neighborhood ELF Microwave Towers  

Is All Orgone The Same? No It Isn't...

International Orgone Network & The Bible Codes

Join With Faction Four And Help Defeat
The New World Order!!

          But, there is another side to cell towers that is even more dangerous, that even less people know about. The fact is that the tower is not the problem. It is the electronic circuits that are placed on that tower. Many people believe that once a tower is set up for cell phones, other instruments are being added that are being used, or will be used, for electronic mind control. The technology for this has been with us for decades, and only gets more efficient as time goes by. A good reference for this is


The Science of Orgone

Some interesting explanations from fellow Orgone Warriors on the Science of Orgone that were posted on the orgone list. Thought I would share:

It seems that some people in the group want to know why orgone works, so I'll do my best to describe it.

First we'll start with the energetic properties of a quartz crystal. A quartz crystal consists of a uniform structure of Silicone Dioxide molecules(SiO2). The pattern these molecules create is always the same throughout the entire crystal. When a crystal is rubbed or squeezed, the pressure is dispersed throughout the entire crystal, which in turn releases a measurable and uniform energy science has termed "piezoelectric energy".

There is a simultaneous drawing in of less-uniform energy from around the crystal as this piezoelectric energy is being released by squeezing the crystal. The piezoelectric energy is uniform like the crystal it was just released from. When crystals are cast in polyester resin, such as in an orgone blaster, they are constantly being squeezed from the pressure of being inside the resin.

This means they are always releasing uniform energy while drawing in less-than-uniform energy from the surrounding environment so that it may be made uniform and released (this is an ongoing cycle). This uniform energy is initially neutral.

The addition of a clockwise copper coil helps to harmonize the neutral energy into a positive wavelength, like setting the frequency. The direction in which the coil is wound plays a large part in how the frequency of the energy is set. The piezoelectric energy is attracted to the metal in the shavings and coil like electricity. The copper and aluminum shavings help the energy move from the crystals to the coil, and the spiraling shape causes the energy to spin to match the coil's shape.

When I pray on how the energy moves, Yah tells me that energy comes in through the bottom of the coil, gets processed by the constantly-squeezed crystals, then leaves out the top of the coil as positive healing energy. All of this is happening simultaneously. The rising of this positive energy is what helps to eat the chemtrails and neutralize "cell phone" tower radiation, and it accumulates over time to combat negative energies. I hope this may help others understand better how orgone works. It truly is a gift and a blessing to work with orgone. I know in my heart that what I am doing makes a difference in fighting evil forces in this world. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving...

And for the physics of Orgone..

Another explanation from a fellow warrior: the quantum make up of the chemicals in the chemtrails, is the ducting material for the energy weapons/matrix, the quantum spins of the binding energies determine how they are pinning (binding to and suppressing) down earths and our "life force" energy or orgone...

the spin direction and polarity of the quantum characteristics of the chemicals determine the way they latch on to earth biologics' binding energies...

nature does show that the life force spins in both directions, however there is an "over abundance of the one direction" and not enough in the clockwise direction to counteract the double spin quantum binding mechanism of the chemicals involved...

this direction (clockwise) of spin helps better to unlock the quantum grip..unlocking the quantum binding allows not only the orgone to flow from the device more readily but also the life force from life around the device will have less binding suppression on their life force spins well as the thought that the fallen freaks my have gained enough knowledge of the counterclockwise direction to have been able to program their genes so that they would not be harmed as much...but Yahweh at the end decided to throw in a different spin...ha...that's a funny..when I heard of the direction difference I went to the mat in prayer and bugged Yahweh for understanding on this...first out of faith, peace and discernment He gave me peace what Sherry was saying was right, even if she could not give all the specifics...that is what walking in faith and trust know in your heart and spirit from years of knowing the voice and character of the Most High, then you do your best to obey and along the way conformation comes. the clockwise spin direction is a major part of unlocking the binding energies of the chemtrails from us and our environment...

in short....without the chemicals present the other energy beams have nothing to lock onto and track or cause cymatic junctures in....hope this helps


   My Orgone Blasters are not the same as the typical tower busters you see online.  I've discovered that many of them being sold online are being sabotaged for evil purposes!! So through Yahweh we're making our own that:


-Absorbs and ELIMINATES chemtrails

-Neutralize the evilness of the towers!

-Repel evil entities and aliens, keep them out of your yard and home

-Protect your home, yard, then cover your neighborhood, town, or city!! If you don't protect your areas they're going to be stomping grounds for the Anuk and demons! These last days, when the veil is lifted, are not going to be friendly!

-Clean the air and help you breathe better. Orgone can help those with asthma and those with breathing problems.

-Eliminates toxins, poisons and radiation from the air

-Defeats chemtrails and keeps your skies clear

-Improves breathing, helps those with asthma

-Promotes natural health, keeps  you from catching every flu virus under the sun

-Knocks out bad thunderstorms before they get to your area, chills out tornados headed your way

-Asphyxiates evil, aliens can't breathe around it and it burns them!

-Keeps demonic entities out of your home and yard.

-Nullifies the effects of the strong subliminal messaging NWO towers erected everywhere

-Stops ELF attacks

-Helps you sleep better

-Stops sleep abductions

-Emits positive energy, evil can't stand being around it!

-A defensive weapon in the last days to combat aliens and the NWO

-Stops headaches and migraines, improves overall health

-Those areas gifted with Orgone suffered the least amount of damage from Hurricanes


Stop the Madness!! 

Stop the Mind Control!!

Stop the Chemtrails!

Orgone is the KEY


Go To Our Order Page


Our Orgone Blasters can lower utility bills (set them on your water and electric meters) and even lower gas mileage if you put them by your engine!


Be leery of unscrupulous vendors online selling you ineffective junk! We've got the Good Stuff!

If you're tired of the NWO Mind Control mood altering agenda and their ELF zapping from cellphone and every other tower out there..bury one of these in the vicinity of the tower and it will stop the mind control and ELF harassment!!  You can clear an entire area from being ELF'd if you neutralize the towers. Protect the area you live in!

Christians are being targetted daily by ELF via High Tech Weapons. What is ELF? ELF (extremely low frequency) waves (up to 100 Hz)  are naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially. ELF waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity.

Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well.


Common symptoms of being ELF attacked are headaches, migraines, rapid heart beat, dehydration, dizziness, taste of sulfur, and/or the general feeling of being fried like a Kentucky Chicken. Most notably when you go to bed, or are in front of the computer.  Plant one of these orgone blasters near every tower in your area and it will nullify the ELF harassment and the other mind control weapons and tactics emitting from these towers.  

Let's tear down their strongholds!

Bury these in your yard to keep ELF AND OTHER MIND CONTROL weapons away from your home! Not to mention unwanted demons or aliens!  Also, gift your area by placing them on the ground in bushes, trees, brush, ditches near towers to de-activate the harmful affects of towers. You can even bury them around towers if you can get that close. As long as you can get it within 1/8 of a mile from the tower then you'll neutralize it!

Protect Your Home From High Tech Weapon Attacks

Today many people are getting into the silent war against the NWO agenda. Christians are being called into the war..the Lord has given us a defense mechanism in orgonite to protect our homes, yards, neighborhoods, counties, cities, states and our country. It's one step at a tower at a time.

Do your part to help us take our country back from the Satanists and NWO crowd.

Don't let yourself become enslaved by them, and don't be foolish enough to think it won't affect you, because it already is as you drive to the store and see these towers erected everywhere.

Get involved!! Do your part to help yourself and those living in your area from being affected by these towers!

Seek the Lord and He will guide you and tell you where to put them!!


Orgone In The Bible Codes

Orgone is an energy. It can be made as a good energy or sabotaged and used as an evil, negative energy. Like everything, Satan always perverts and mimicks what God creates, has, or does.

I see what this positive orgone energy does to Satan and his Annunaki giants all the time in the Bible Codes. In fact I've kept quiet about a lot of it until now. If I reveal to 'you' what it will do and does, then 'they' know because they read everything I write. But if I don't inform Yah's people, they won't get busy and do the exploits that are needed worldwide. We are literally going to fulfill prophecy and that is why I can't keep silent anymore. Time is running out.

Terms I see all the time in the Bible Codes in relation to Orgone and what it does and is going to do to the Anuk/Nephilim fallen angels:

These terms describe Satan and the "aliens' reaction when they arrive here:


These terms describe what it will do and the results of what this orgone causes to and against them:


Terms relating to the faction (Faction 4) of the 144,000:


Can you imagine the shock and horror of the Man of Sin to arrive as a "God" or "Messiah" and he's covered in boils? LOL! And the laughter of God's people!! Satan won't be able to heal himself yet he can "heal" others to try and persuade them of who or what he is? The Bible Codes says it's COMICAL and an "Embarrassing Defeat" of Satan's forces who fully intend on arriving as "angelic hosts."

The air will be saturated with orgone and it burns them, it causes them to have boils on their skin, and they can't breathe, the 'contaminated' air asphyxiates them.
It's like a horrible plague that destroys them and causes their deaths.

There are so many "Christians" today who think it's their job to just sit on their butts and do nothing about the NWO but argue and rail against those who are doing something to battle against it for the Most High here on earth. It's not our duty as HIS people to EVER sit on our butts and just wait on Him, HE uses HIS PEOPLE to implement HIS PLANS. Even if it's just one person, or a band of 50, or 500, HE will accomplish His purposes through them.

It's easy to see how one of Satan's coming biggest defeats on earth is handed to him by just a handfull of people who love the Lord in WALK and talk. Why? Because the majority of believers today are sleeping, lazy, fearful, and kidding themselves of who and what they think they are in the Lord. In reality a fragment, a group of people out of the 144,000 who are already awake and know who they are in Him are the first ones to toss the NWO it's first major defeat and victory for Yehovah! Many people today are in denial of who they are. Inwardly they know they were born for a reason to be here in the last days because I hear from MANY of them. They just fight it, and in reality are fighting HIM and losing reward for being cowards and fearmongers and who will lose their position and rewards in Him if they don't get off their butts and start fulfilling His calling He has for them. If you feel led to do something then do it! Your instinct is usually HIM trying to get your attention!
This is what I've been saying for years folks! We're defeating them with our Orgone! We're burning them out of the skies AND their underground bases!

Check this out from an outside source doing EVP on the 'aliens' themselves!

They're confirming everything I've been saying! YES we were at DULCE 2 years ago and as I declared we Destroyed that base! Now hear it in their own words "Dulce's finished" !!!

They're crashing out of the skies because the ORGONE is burning up the atmosphere for them! They're burning! Just as the Bible Codes says they are! Another confirmation! See Orgone and the Bible Codes at the bottom of this website.

REPTILIANS BURNING UPDATE com/watch?v=l9bk04pxgQU&feature=related com/watch? v=4bossnkpkrE&feature=related

These are some EVP recordings of the reptilians recently captured by Peggy Kane on what is going on with their world and themselves.

  • "The One's up blasting."
  • "It's the One."
  • "Bad, it's all falling down"
  • "All sizzles.  It's very hot, frightening. "
  • "Oh man, I'm hot.  I think I'm burning."  (Because you are!)
  • "My head hurts.  Look I'm burning."
  • "[Expletive] , there's fire."
  • "Net burns.  The ropes going down."
  • "Buckle up, intense."
  • "Dulce's finished." (yep! We did it!!!!!!!!!)
  • "An outrage.  Defeat." (HAHAHAHHA scumbags!)

http://www.evpreversespeaking. com/blog/)

with her Panasonic RRDR60 digital recorder.  This is called EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon she has also found:

  • "Have the Serpent on the run" (Yes we do!!!)
  • "They're really frightened"
  • "This is a disaster"
  • "This burn too hot"
  • "Looks like we're going to loose [lose?] everything"
  • "I'm in pain, dying"
  • "Had enough, I give up, we've had it"
  • "We're [expletive], beat the politicians we can"
  • "50 bodies"
  • "Did you burn hot"
  • "He's the last one let him burn"

They're dying folks and it's the ORGONE causing their deaths! Good Riddance with these evil scumbags! join the war!!



Start Today!!

You can buy them on this site or you can make your own orgone blasters

How To Make Your Own

Cómo Hacer su Propio Orgone Blaster


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3 oz. blaster


5 oz. Blaster


10 oz. Blaster




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